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K. Ito-Morales "Visiting Enrollment at Japanese Primary School", "Revista de Educación de la Universidad de Granada"
, vol.26, 125-142, 2019
F. Zurita Ortega, J.L. Ortega Martín
M. Castro -Sánchez,
"Physical Activity and Self-concept in Bilingual and Non-bilingual Schools: An Analysis through Structural Equations", "Porta Linguarum"
, 23-35, 2019
P. Marynenko Marynenko
I. Votyakova,
"Peculiaridades en la representación del campo de formación de palabras del concepto ruso ¿agua¿ con verbos onomatopéyicos ", "Revista Internacional de Humanidades"
, vol.7, 1-22, 2019
J.L. Ortega Martín
S. Peña-García,
"Comparative study on language support classrooms: the case of Andalusia and England", "Aula Abierta"
, vol.48, 213-220, 2019
K. Ito-Morales "Estado actual y desafío del uso de TIC en la enseñanza de japonés como lengua extranjera", "ReiDoCrea"
, vol.8, 141-157, 2019
S. Corral Robles, G. González Gijón
D. Madrid Fernández,
"The Written Production of Spanish CLIL and EFL Students: Proficiency Levels and Error Analysis", "The International Journal of Literacies"
, vol.1, -, 2019
L. Medina-Rull, P. Posadas-De Julián
J.L. Ortega Martín,
"Learning English to the Rhythm of Bach: An Eclectic Methodology Based on Suggestopedia and the CRAFT Programme", "The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum"
, vol.26, 1-15, 2019
P. Marynenko Marynenko "Functioning of Syncretic Onomatopoeias that Transmit the Sound of Water in the Russian Language", "Mundo Eslavo"
, 49-58, 2019
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024